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Product Overview

Kowas SL-17 Portable Slit Lamp for websi

Kowas SL-17 Portable Slit Lamp for websi

Kowas SL-17 Portable Slit Lamp for websi
Kowas SL-17 Portable Slit Lamp
Kowa's Portable Slit Lamp is now LED light-based!
20,000 Lux White LED Source
Illumination is thumb wheel controlled and illuminated for
easy viewing in a darkened room.
Powered by AAA batteries
Kowa Portable Slit Lamps use the following commercially available batteries: AAA rechargeable batteries
AAA dry cell batteries
(Except manganese dry cell batteries)
Anti-tip design
New circular base increases slit lamp stability, providing a safer place
to charge and store the instrument
Digital Image Capture
Optional beam splitter, filter, and camera are available which allows documentation of anterior segment through image and video capture.
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