Product Overview
Generic toric IOL calculation
Toric IOL rotation simulator
Abulafia-Koch Astigmatism Formula
Latest Generation Formulae
Barrett Universal II
Barrett Universal II Toric
Barrett True K
Barrett True K Toric
Barrett Rx
Olsen formula
Dynamic, Photopic, Mesopic
Decentralization and Latency graph Reports
Biometry report (AL, K, ACD, LT, CCT WTW)
To USB, shared folder and printer
Topography report
IOL report

Topcon Aladdin HW 3.0 Biometer with Corneal Topography
The Aladdin HW3.0 is a multi-function instrument that combines a series of measurements to assist eye surgeons in the calculation of IOL power.
The Aladdin combines Axial Length, Keratometry, Anterior Chamber Depth, Lens Thickness, Central Corneal Thickness, Corneal Topography, Pupillometry and Corneal Diameter in one single instrument, assisting the Eye Surgeon on the selection of conventional and premium intra ocular lenses.
Included in the Aladdin software is also the RX/AL Trends - Myopia Module. The Aladdin Myopia Module is a measuring and display program that allows the operator to monitor and display trends and progression of eye parameters that are related to the onset and progression of myopia.
The complete picture enhanced.
Final visual results and patient’s satisfaction are paramount in today’s cataract surgery. By providing precise measurements and incorporating the latest generation of IOL calculation formulae, the Aladdin assists in the optimization of refractive outcomes.
With the combination of an optical biometer and full corneal topographer, Topcon pioneered the concept of “The Complete Picture” in IOL power calculation. Now the complete picture has been enhanced with the addition of the Barrett IOL Calculation Suite and the Olsen formula as a standard components of the Aladdin.
ALADDIN features
Fully integrated patient database
Input of post-operative data
Easy acquisition 9-in-1
Axial length
Corneal Topography
Anterior Chamber Depth
Lens Thickness
Central Corneal Thickness
Zernike analysis of the cornea
Conventional IOL calculation formulae
SRK II, SRK/T, Hoffer Q, Holladay 1, Haigis
Multiple surgeon pre-settings
ULIB database compatible
Customizable IOL database
Post refractive IOL calculation formulae
Shammas (no history)
Barrett True K
Barrett True K Toric